N95 Walk in sessions


N95 Fit Qualitative fit testing as per CSA Standard Z94.4-18 WALK IN Sessions (No appointment necessary):

When:  Thursday September 26th 2024 from 2:30pm-4:45pm

Where: Algonquin Safety training, 480 Cassells street in North Bay

Cost: $30+hst (additional $3.50+hst for each additional mask)

With Student ID: $25+hst (additional $4.50+hst for each additional mask)

How to prepare:

We ask that you Ensure to come to your appointment alone,

1) Please ensure to have nothing by mouth for 20 minutes prior to arrival. With the exception of water, this includes no smoking, vaping, gum chewing or use of scented lip balm.
2) Have a list of N95 Model numbers that your facility has on hand, so we may try and fit test you with that specific model
3) Bring a bottle of water with you (If forgotten, we have bottles of water for sale $1.25)
4) All men must be clean shaven

5) Long hair must be tied
6) If you are ill in anyway, please call 705-223-0120 to reschedule your appointment
7) As per CSA standards, You must ensure that you are medically cleared to be fit tested.
If you have a pre-existing medical conditions ie: lung issues, You should speak with your doctor first.

If you are unable to make the walk in session, you may email [email protected] to make an appointment


Contact us for an appointment!